“Creating Inclusive Work Places and Achieving a Healthy Working Society”

Job Coaching Service

Job Coaching and supported employment is a well-evidenced, personalised approach to working with people with disabilities, including people with learning disabilities and autism to access and retain open employment, with support. Our Job coaches work with a host of people including people with learning disabilities, family carers, supported employment organisations, and employers. We make sure people get quality support to become valued employees and maintain their health and well being. We provide employers with training, advice and tools to understand how to create workplaces that are supportive of disabled and underrepresented people. We work with employers and employees jointly to identify realistic solutions to barriers surrounding social and learning development in the workplace supplying innovation practices and change management.

Our work with businesses and employees includes training in systematic instruction, structured action planning; travel training; disability awareness; job carving, guidance on reasonable adjustments and ongoing facilitation.

Outcomes for Individuals

– Real jobs where people have the opportunity to earn equitable
wages and employment related benefits,
– Development of new skills,
– Social and economic inclusion,
– Promotion of self-determination, choice, and independence,
– Enhanced confidence and self-esteem,
– Increased personal empowerment,
– Increased quality of life where people are treated
fairly and with respect.

Outcomes for Businesses:

– Positive recruitment free of charge,
– Employ the ‘UK’s Hidden Workforce’,
– To create more positive, productive, and inclusive work places,
– Corporate social responsibility,
– Work trials to ensure the right job match,
– Increased retention rates,
– Innovative solutions and bespoke training packages,
– Access to potential funding and support,
– Cost and time savings.

Job Coaches

All of our Job Coaches use our Place – train – fade approach and are trained in supporting individuals in work and systematic instruction. Job coaches are identified to match both the employee and business creating an equal triangle system. Our coaches have experience working with, and in the public, private, voluntary and community sectors with skills in, but not limited to: retail, care, finance, marketing, industry, teaching, support, administration, horticulture, nursing, social work, cleaning, hospitality, business development, catering, production, distribution and engineering.

If you are a business with staff already in post who have additional support needs or you would like to utilise our recruitment provision please call 0114 276 0039. Similarly if you are an individual requiring in work support the same number applies.